Meet Aly

Gratitude + Passion
My heart is filled with gratitude for my family who make themselves available at a moment’s notice. This allows me to tend to my doula families when I’m needed…Thank you! Being a doula is my passion and I am fortunate to have their support to ‘doula’ what I love to do.
I have been fascinated with the power and magic that is birth since childhoodl I grew up in the country taking care of animals and witnessing birth. One of my best childhood memories includes staying up late at night with a mama dog as she whelped her pups. Those experiences taught me how magical, yet ordinary life can be.
The experience that cemented my decision to become a doula was the birth to my first baby. I became aware of those around me during this special moment, and how they made me feel. I will never forget my husband supporting me with his body weight, along with my midwives’ knowing and reassuring smile. The love and encouragement I received made me feel safe, and capable, not just in birthing but also in caring for my baby as a new mother. Providing this sense of honor, respect and belief to the families I serve is profoundly important and that is why I became a doula.
Training + Certification
In 2014, I completed my doula training through DONA International. I later began to volunteer with Better Beginnings For Babies, a non-profit organization providing free doula support to women in need.
Since then, I have become a certified Lactation Specialist and attended various trainings to integrate to my practice: Spinning Babies, placenta encapsulation, and Rebozo to name a few.
In 2015, I formed North Bay Birth Services, a partnership with another doula, and gained invaluable experience from 2015-2019.
Motivated to be the best doula I can be, I continue to immerse myself in all things birth. My goal is to continue to grow as a person in this field and expand my knowledge to better assist the individuals and families who put their trust in me. Family Focus Doula Care is a safe space for all families who have diverse values.
My goal is to create an environment that is safe, respected, inclusive, meaningful and supported. My focus is to help individuals and families feel confident and connected as they experience the birth of their baby. Helping work through any anxiety or fear as they visualize what they would like for their birth knowing that whatever route it takes they are strong, capable, and held.

I am so excited to be teaming up with Becca Demartini from Love In Labor!
Supporting each other to give the best possible care to you and your growing family
My passion is to share how truly empowering one’s birth experience can be! To help one navigate the unknown and offer education from my own experiences both personal and professional. Providing full awareness of how many options one has within their own birth plan and especially in pain management and if complications arise. I want the families I care for to know their options, so that they can decide what is right for them. Birth is the beginning of an amazing journey. It is about learning your strengths and empowering yourself to trust in your body and your baby. It is knowing you are capable of great things.
What a blessed life I have, accompanying families through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. There is nothing more beautiful than holding space as one surrenders to the power that is birth, to overcome any fears or push past doubt to embrace and welcome their new little love. This is love in labor.
I find myself time and time again, in sheer awe of the birthing journey, from conception to birth to postpartum. Every parent-to-be transforming through this right of passage. I am so blessed to bear witness to this beautiful process. Finding themselves on the other side of what they were as individuals, now becoming a parent and creating a family. I am truly blessed and filled with love and admiration at every birth.
can’t imagine doing anything else… With Love and Gratitude Always
You can contact Becca directly at